Почитывая англоязычный фэндом, наткнулась на фики, достойные ностальгических поминаний. И решила скопировать себе ссылочки.
многабукофф... очень много и не все русские
...Now what I want from you all, is your "classic" Harry/Draco fic. I put "classic" in quotes because it doesn't have to be one of the fics that the fandom considers a "classic" (even thought I'll take those too!!), but one that YOU do. I want the fic that defines this pairing for you. The one that you think of when you think of H/D. The one that every good H/D lover HAS to have read...
"Obscurity of Love" by money2208
Full Spectrum by Olivia_Lupin Here's the link. It's just gorgeous.the story continues in the next fic "Shades of Grey"
Go read everything by pir8fancier: archive.skyehawke.com/authors.php?no=718
I read "Lettered" and the sequel "Lush Life" a long time ago and recently discovered that raitala read "Lush Life" as a podcast and fell in love all over again. Also, there's another sequel that was JUST written. Everything of hers is wonderful, but the "Lettered" series is my favorite right now.
Прочитала "Письма", понравилось. Рассказ от лица Драко, точнее через его письма. Миленько. Почему-то кажется, что это или очень похожее, читала на русском. Похоже на "Юные джентльмены переписываются" или как-то так.
I recommend this one is one of my favorites "Private Pleasure" by charlymalfoy
А вот этот я не рекомендую. Еще не дочитала и не уверена, что стоит давиться этим кактусом. Совершенно типичный дамский роман американского разлива. На второй главе я уже вынуждена себе напоминать, что это типа волшебный мир (магии замечено не было), что Гарри-не суровый бизнесмен, а Драко -не инфантильно-романтичная барышня, и у них не служебный роман. Пока удается плохо. Вердикт: не мое. Дочитала. Лучше бы я сдох вчера.
This list helped me greatly in diving into the fandom classics!
And these are definitely worth a read too:
The Simple Joy of Living: Funny and AMAZING! Согласна! Хахаха...
Draco's Boy: Completely Fantastic fic! Non-magic AU, and angst in some places, but it completely blew my mind! Кажется, видела его на русском, но не читала
Vorabiza's Secrets Не читала, хотя рекомендовали и не раз.
Saber ShadowKitten's Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin Что-то знакомое, его переводили, да?
Beren's Gold Tinted Spectacles and Angels and Devils
Anna Fugazzi's Bond Ага!!! Я знала!
He was he and I was bunny Ха, опять что ли кроличья история?.. Да, кроличья, Гарри -анимаг-кролик, очень милая история, в конце слегка флаффная.
Tip of the Icing
I want to recommend Underwater Light by Maya but it's not offered online anymore. What you can do is ask the author, Maya, for a PDF & I'm pretty sure she'll give you one. It's novel-length & takes place at Hogwarts. It has such an intricate plot & the romance between Harry & Draco is exactly as one would imagine it to be under the circumstances. It's such a beautiful story. Согласна. История прелестна.
Here's the link to Maya's journal if you're interested-
The fic that defined H/D for me (and totally won me over for this OTP) is frayach's Danse Russe. Novel-length, but I can promise you that you won't want it to end.
The first ones that come to mind are So Far Away, by okinay, aka Gwenling,
On The Last Day Of Our World, by sansa1970,
What Separates Us by swtalmnd,
and Transfigurations, by Resonant.
There are so many that I love, like just about everything by silentauror (silentauror.livejournal.com/), jameschick (jameschick.livejournal.com/), and The Hex Files' Constant Vigilance and C. Dumbledore. I know I'm leaving people out, but I'm working...or supposed to be. lol So I apologize. Anyone reading this, I've probably read your stuff and love it!!!
Left My Heart (www.queerasjedi.net/emma/fic/viewstory.php?sid=...)/Surrender The Grey (www.queerasjedi.net/emma/fic/viewstory.php?sid=...), by emmagrant01.
Then, there's A Thousand Beautiful Things/The Delicate Sound Of Thunder, by Duinn (aka geoviki), and Welcome To The Real World, by IAmTheLizardQueen.
1) Classic Hogwarts Era (Author: Fic)
Ladyvader: Friend like me
Maya: Underwater Light Переведен
Novembersnow: Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow (esp its prequel: Tomorrow)
2) Post Hogwarts
Frayach: The Price We Pay for Wings (I love everything she writes!)
Calanthe: Mudhoney
Pir8fancier: Lush Life (prequel: Lettered and sequel: Home Again, Home Again)
Romaine24: Survival of the Species
Sansa1970: A Mile in His Shoes
Blamebrampton: And Save Me from Bloody Man (new find!!!)
Vaysh11: We Are Legend
Eurychides (sp??): Things that Change Переводится или уже закончен
Pushdragon: Here on the Shoulder of the Impossible
Plumeria: The Park Bench
3) Special mention: Pron!!!
Pushdragon: A Tale of Horns (4 parts)
Alaana Fair: Three Seekers in a Bed and the Blonde One Said...
Here are the ones that pop to mind for me that are still available:
Irresistible Poison: by Rhysenn Переведено
Love Under Will: by Aja Переведен
Transfigurations: by Resonant
Left My Heart: by Emma Grant (and sequel) Actually a little too new to be a Classic, but it almost fits. Помнится, начинали перевод, но закончили или нет, не знаю
Starts With a Spin by maxine_chan Переведено
Tissue of Silver by fearlessdiva
A Thousand Beautiful Things: by Duinn Fionn
The Corruption Series: by Beren
The Veela Enigma by Jennavere Переведено
And then the Nakkid Quidditch Match, which is one of THE Classics all around (though not H/D)
Also, here are links to other such searches
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И тут сообщество по вейлофикам
Twenty Years later by rebawilliams
On One's Knees by Pir8fancier
Then immediately on to Still Life in Wood and Parchment by scrtkpr
Transformations by Amalin: featuring a take no prisoners Draco (frowl.org/transformation/)
Objects of Desire by Azrael Geffen (www.obscurusbooks.org/html/Azrael_Geffen/Object...) Начинала читать, он огромный, такой эмоционально тяжелый, что я не закончила
Earthbound Spook by Cest_what: a truly original plot and writing so evocative that you feel like you are right there
Perfect by dreamyraynbo-a Draco helps the trio fic but with such well-developed relationships and a great blend of grimness and humour I could read it again and again.
Abide the Sleeper by Furiosity and Imadra Blue-you cannot ever go wrong with Furiosity; this has a spine-chilling "attack o' the hags" scene.
Tissue of Silver by Fearless Diva: a true classic with a Draco to die for; he proposes the best reason in fandom not to get rid of Muggles.
Learning Life Over by Meander Later: an unjustly neglected fic, definitely AU, which deals convincingly with grief and the fallout from Harry's abusive childhood.
Currency by byblythe and circe tigana: complete with illustrations, an hysterical first time sex scene, and a London that either convinces you you are there or makes you long to go back.
Squib by Kestrelsparhawk
Reparations by Saras_girl: a new and impressive writer with great characterizations (Harry's arrogant-nervous charm), suspense of the non-war kind and a subject matter which is
unusual and fascinating.